BPEC ensures the health, safety and welfare of all its staff, students, visitors and contractors where they have access to, or contact with, places where the business of BPEC is transacted. Our statement of general policy is to provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from work activities; to guide employees and students on matters affecting their health and safety; to provide and maintain safe plant and equipment; to ensure safe handling and use of substances; to provide information, instruction and supervision for employees and students; to ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and give them adequate training; to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill-health and to maintain safe and healthy working conditions; and to review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.

Academic Director is responsible for the safety of their team or class within the working environment and shall ensure that Risk Assessments have been conducted for all tasks to be undertaken and that control measures adopted adequately minimise the risk to acceptable standards. They shall also ensure that the Risk Assessments are reviewed at least annually and the control measures revised as and when required; ensure that health & safety issues are raised on a regular basis at team meetings at all levels within their teams or classes; ensure that accidents and incidents that happen within their teams or classes are reported according to procedure and that they monitor sickness due to accidents at work and report appropriately.

Operations, Marketing and IT & Finance Departments

All staff in the above Departments has a statutory duty to co-operate with the management team in providing a safe and healthy working environment: in particular they must carry out their duties without endangering the health and safety of themselves, colleagues, students, third parties and/or the general public; ask any person they observe to be behaving dangerously or working in an unsafe manner, to stop doing so, calling for appropriate support if such person fails to comply; Inform their immediate line manager of any defect or work situation, which may reasonably be considered to represent a danger or any shortcomings identified in the arrangements made for health and safety; at all times endeavour to facilitate the proper implementation of the Health & Safety Policy; report any incident or accident which has, or could have, resulted in illness, injury or damage to property to their line manager.

New members of staff will receive guidance on health and safety, in accordance with our Induction Policy. This will include arrangements for Fire Evacuation. Their personal obligations under the law will be explained. Additional training, where necessary, will be provided through line management to accommodate the specific needs of an individual. Managers should also ensure that a Health & Safety induction takes place for members of staff who undertake a change in role or move office. Students also have an induction process that includes Health & Safety assessments.


All Students have a responsibility to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves, their fellow students, staff and any other person whilst on BPEC premises. Students shall ensure they are familiar with emergency evacuation procedures. Students are required to report any accidents or near misses which have occurred, whilst on BPEC premises or at any location where Work Placement is being undertaken, to their Tutor or other employee, as soon as practicable.

Students shall use any equipment provided in accordance with the training that they have received. They are required to report any problems they foresee in any protection arrangements and inform their Tutor or other BPEC employee, of any potential hazard, imminent danger or risk, no matter how small they seem at the time.

Students are required to inform their Tutor of any personal health and safety need or requirement they may have.